Williams , John - Star Wars - Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith

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weiter Informationen zu Williams , John - Star Wars - Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith
- EAN: 5099709422034
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 02.05.2005
- Label: Sony Classical (Sony Music)
- Format: CD+DVD Audio CD
CD-Titel Williams , John - Star Wars - Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith
- Star Wars and the Revenge of the Sith Medley
- Star Wars
- Revenge of the Sith
- Anakin's Dream
- Battle of the Heroes
- Anakin's Betrayal
- General Grievous
- Palpatine' Teachings
- Grievous and the Droids
- Padme's Ruminations
- Anakin vs. Obi-Wan
- Anakin's Dark Deeds
- Enter Lord Vader
- Immolation Scene
- Grievous Speaks to Lord Sidious
- Birth of the Twins and Padme's Destiny Medley
- Birth of the Twins
- Padme's Destiny
- New Hope and End Credits Medley
- New Hope
- End Credits
- A Long Time Ago
- Dark Forces Conspire
- A Hero Rises
- A Fateful Love
- A Hero Falls
- An Empire Is Forged
- A Planet That Is Farthest From
- An Unlikely Alliance
- A Defender Emerges
- A Daring Rescue
- A Jedi Is Trained
- A Narrow Escape
- A Bond Unbroken
- A Sanctuary Moon
- A Life Redeemed
- A New Day Dawns
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