Various - Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind/Fantastic Beasts and where to find them

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weiter Informationen zu Various - Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind/Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
- EAN: 0889853852628
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 18.11.2016
- Label: Sony Classical (Sony Music)
- Format: Soundtrack Audio CD
CD-Titel Various - Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind/Fantastic Beasts and where to find them
- Main titles - Fantastic beasts and where to find them
- There are witches among us / The bank / The niffler
- Tina takes Newt in / MACUSA headquarters
- Pie or Strudel / Escaping Queenie and Tina's place
- Credence hands out leaflets
- Inside the case
- The erumpent
- In the cells
- Tina and Newt trial / Let's get the good stuff out / You're one of us now / Swooping evil
- Gnarlak negotiations
- The demiguise and the occamy
- A close friend
- The obscurus / Rooftop chase
- He's listening to you Tina
- Relieve him of his wand / Newt releases the Thunderbird / Jacob's farewell
- Newt says goodbye to Tina / Jacob's bakery
- End titles - Fantastic beasts and where to find them
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