Tape Five - Tonight Josephine
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weiter Informationen zu Tape Five - Tonight Josephine
- EAN: 4024624002161
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 15.04.2011
- Label: Chinchin Records (Nova MD)
- Format: Audio CD
CD-Titel Tape Five - Tonight Josephine
- Introduktion: back in time!
- A cool cat in town
- Bad boy good man
- Pantaloons
- Dixie biscuit
- Madame coquette
- Far far away (Charles-Tone Mix)
- Intermezzo: speakeasy
- The flappers delight
- Birds like it
- Pousse l'amour
- The smurf (Tape Five Remix) (IInstrumental)
- The sky is not the limit
- Alcazar (Instrumental)
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