Sampler - Sentimental Journey 2 - the 40's

weiter Informationen zu Sampler - Sentimental Journey 2 - the 40's
- EAN: 0008813263223
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 23.10.1995
- Label: Mca
- Format: Audio CD
CD-Titel Sampler - Sentimental Journey 2 - the 40's
- Civilization
- Amapola
- We Three
- Poinciana
- My Happiness
- Long Ago And Far Away
- Is You Is, Or Is You Ain't My Baby
- So Tired
- Paper Doll
- Anniversary Song
- Tico Tico
- You'll Never Know
- Goodnight Irene
- A Kiss To Build A Dream On
- Zing A Little Song
- Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy
- I Can Dream, Can't I?
- Choo Choo Ch'Boogie
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