Sampler - Putumayo - Music from the Coffee Lands 2

Sampler - Putumayo - Music from the Coffee Lands 2
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32,10 €
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weiter Informationen zu Sampler - Putumayo - Music from the Coffee Lands 2

  • EAN: 0790248019420
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 08.10.2001
  • Label: Putumayo
  • Format: Audio CD

CD-Titel Sampler - Putumayo - Music from the Coffee Lands 2

  • Dindinha - Ceumar
  • Nzaji - Mario Rui Silva
  • Quem e Muito Querido a Mim - Geraldo Azevedo
  • Et Atabal De Mi Negra - Titico y Los Caracoles del Amargue
  • Fiesta Llanera - Correo Aereo
  • Di Nagara Deungeun - Sabah Habas Mustapha & The Jugula All Stars
  • Guramayle - Gigi
  • Bunde Tolimense - Jose Luis Martinez Vesga
  • Moso Manman - Emeline Michel
  • Monte La Rivie - Kali
  • Nge Na Munu - Denis Tshibayi

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