Sampler - Make some noise - The campaign to save darvur - the songs of John Lennon

Sampler - Make some noise - The campaign to save darvur - the songs of John Lennon
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weiter Informationen zu Sampler - Make some noise - The campaign to save darvur - the songs of John Lennon

  • EAN: 0093624996309
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 22.06.2007
  • Label: Wb (Warner)
  • Format: Doppel-CD Audio CD

CD-Titel Sampler - Make some noise - The campaign to save darvur - the songs of John Lennon

  • Instant karma
  • #9 dream
  • Mother
  • Give peace a chance
  • Cold turkey
  • Love
  • I'm losing you
  • Gimme some truth
  • O, my love
  • One day at a time
  • Imagine
  • Nobody told me
  • Mind games
  • Jealous guy

  • Working class hero
  • Power to the people
  • Imagine
  • Beautiful boy
  • Isolation
  • Watching the wheels
  • Grow old with me
  • Gimme some truth
  • (Just like) Starting over
  • God
  • Instant karma
  • #9 dream
  • Instant karma
  • Real love

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