Nelson , Willie & Jennings , Waylon - The Masters (Eagle)

weiter Informationen zu Nelson , Willie & Jennings , Waylon - The Masters (Eagle)
- EAN: 5034504403321
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 19.02.1998
- Label: Eagle Rock (Edel)
- Format: Audio CD
CD-Titel Nelson , Willie & Jennings , Waylon - The Masters (Eagle)
- Good Hearted Woman
- Heaven And Hell
- Mamma, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
- The Year 2003 Minus 25
- Pick Up The Tempo
- I Can Get Off On You
- Don't Cuss The Fiddle
- (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay
- The Year That Clayton Delaney Died
- Write Your Own Song
- Mr Shuck And Jive
- Lookin' For A Feeling
- A Couple More Years
- Luckenbach, Texas (Back To The Basics Of Love)
- Mr Record Man
- The Taker
- Little Things
- Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way
- Blackjack County Chain
- Good Ol' Boys (Theme From The Dukes Of Hazzard)
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