Harvey , Alex Band - US Tour 74 (Dallas / Cleveland)

weiter Informationen zu Harvey , Alex Band - US Tour 74 (Dallas / Cleveland)
- EAN: 0503082004688
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.02.2013
- Label: Major League Production (H'ART)
- Format: Doppel-CD Audio CD
CD-Titel Harvey , Alex Band - US Tour 74 (Dallas / Cleveland)
- Fanfare / Intro
- The Faith Healer
- Midnight Moses
- Next
- Intro
- Vambo [Part 1]
- Man In The Jar [Part ]
- Jumpin' Jack Flash
- Framed
- Intro
- The Faith Healer
- Midnight Moses
- Next
- Sergeant Fury
- Framed
- Anthem
- Jumpin' Jack Flash
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