Gahan , Dave - Paper Monsters (Limited Edition with Bonus DVD)

weiter Informationen zu Gahan , Dave - Paper Monsters (Limited Edition with Bonus DVD)
- EAN: 0724358492903
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 02.06.2003
- Label: Virgin
- Format: CD+DVD Audio CD
CD-Titel Gahan , Dave - Paper Monsters (Limited Edition with Bonus DVD)
- Dirty Sticky Floors
- Hold On
- A Little Piece
- Bottle Living
- Black And Blue Again
- Stay
- I Need You
- Bitter Apple
- Hidden Houses
- Goodbye
- A Short Film
- Dirty Sticky Floors - Video
- Exclusive b-roll footage from the Dirty Sticky Floors video shoot
- Hold On - exclusive New York acoustic performance
- A Little Piece - exclusive New York acoustic performance
- Exclusive b-roll footage from the New York acoustic performance
- Photo Gallery
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