Barrett , Aston 'Familyman' - Cobra Style

weiter Informationen zu Barrett , Aston 'Familyman' - Cobra Style
- EAN: 0011661765726
- Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01.04.1999
- Label: Heartbeat (Efa)
- Format: Audio CD
CD-Titel Barrett , Aston 'Familyman' - Cobra Style
- Cobra Style - Barrett, Aston "Familyman" & The Rebel Arms
- Back Weh - Brimstone
- We're Gonna Make It - Riley, Jimmy
- Eastern Memphis - Barrett, Aston "Familyman" & The Rebel Arms
- Guided Missile - Barrett, Aston "Familyman" & The Rebel Arms
- Babylon - Brimstone
- Elegant Shape - Barrett, Aston
- Distant Drums - Wailers Band, The
- Children Of The Ghetto (Disco Mix) - Senya
- My Girl - New Wave / Rebel Arms, The
- Well Pleased - Barrett, Aston "Familyman" & The Rebel Arms
- Woman In Love - Anderson, Maria / Wailers Band, The
- Work - Barrett, Aston "Familyman" & The Rebel Arms
- Natural Woman (Disco Mix) - Senya
- Cobra Style (Disco Mix) - Barrett, Aston "Familyman"
- Well Pleased (Disco Mix) - Barrett, Aston "Familyman"
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