Arne , Thomas - The Masque of Alfred (Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan)

Arne , Thomas - The Masque of Alfred (Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan)
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weiter Informationen zu Arne , Thomas - The Masque of Alfred (Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan)

  • EAN: 0054727752926
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum: 13.07.2007
  • Label: Deutsche H
  • Format: Audio CD

CD-Titel Arne , Thomas - The Masque of Alfred (Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, McGegan)

  • Allegro moderato (Ouvertüre)
  • Andante (Ouvertüre)
  • Tempo di minuetto (Ouvertüre)
  • Air: Though to a desert isle confin'd (1. Akt)
  • Air: The shephard's plain life, Duet:Then let us the snare of ambition beware (1.Akt)
  • Air: Come calm content (1. Akt)
  • Air: Sweet valley say where (1. Akt)
  • Air: Why beats my heart with such devotion (1. Akt)
  • Trio: Let not those who love complain (Akt 1)
  • Air: If those who live in shepherd's bow'r (1.Akt)
  • Air: A youth adorn'd with ev'ry art (2. Akt )
  • Air: From the dawn of early morning (2. Akt)
  • Air: As calms succeed when storms are past (2. Akt)
  • Air: Hear, Alfred, hear (2. Akt)
  • Air: Gracious heav'n, O hear me! (2. Akt)
  • Air: Vengeance, O come inspire me! (2. Akt)
  • Air: Though storms awhile the sun obscure (2. Akt)
  • Dirge: There honour comes, a pilgrim grey (Akt 2)
  • Recitative: Ah, me!what fears oppress my throbbing heart! (Akt 3)
  • Air: Guardian angels, O descend (3.Akt)
  • Air: Arise, sweet messenger of the morn (3.Akt)
  • March with a side drum (Akt 3)
  • Air: See liberty, virtue and honour appearing (3.Akt)
  • Ode: when Britain first at heav'n's command (Akt 3)

* Es erfolgt kein Ausweis der Umsatzsteuer, da der Umsatz der Differenzbesteuerung gem. §25a UStG unterliegt. Preise zzgl. Versandkosten

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